1·Is he the man who painted the Mona Lisa Smile?
2·The Mona Lisa Smile was painted by Da Vinci, Right?
3·Drunken Hussies 3, Backdoor Patrol 5 and Mona Lisa Smile. Thank you.
4·I smile through tears, is the Mona Lisa smile gave me endless strength.
5·With a slight bow, the beginnings of a Mona Lisa smile, and a pregnant silence, he ushered me into a waiting room.
他欠欠身子, 露出蒙娜丽莎般的微笑,有所期待似地沉默了一会儿,然后把我引进了一间候诊室。
6·I give her a Mona Lisa smile to indicate I get her gist, although I do not, then sheepishly pay for my lunch and slink to a table.
7·Mona Lisa smiles, but no more than a smile. Beautiful, sweet, and profound as her smile is, we are in no position to quest why she smiles, or what she smiles about.
8·The true identity of Mona Lisa and her enigmatic smile have intrigued art lovers around the world.
9·Those lucky enough to have anunobstructed view of the Mona Lisa at the Louvre often stare in awe, baffledby the smile that seems to flicker and fade.
10·In other words, Mona Lisa inherited her endlessly intriguing smile from the grinning common ancestor she Shared with chimpanzees.